Family Mediation

Family & Divorce Mediation Solicitors in London

Family & Divorce Mediation Solicitors help you to explore solutions to all issues surrounding separation and divorce in a constructive and supportive way. Osbornes Law has a team of highly experienced family and divorce mediators. Find out more about below.

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  • “Clients attending mediation with Osbornes will be able to find someone who has the right knowledge and experience to unlock the most complex or contentious issues.”

  • “Lisa is excellent – she’s efficient, has a very good rapport with her clients and has an enormously outgoing energy. She is very effective in managing clients’ cases.”

Specialist family & divorce mediation solicitors

Family mediations are held in a safe environment; with choice, impartiality, confidentiality & decision-making to you both, rather than an outcome imposed on you by a Judge, who doesn’t know you or your family.  Family mediation is also cheaper and quicker than the court process.

What is family mediation?

Family mediation is a form of Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) which are all processes used to resolve a dispute that avoid going through the court process. Other forms of NCDR include:

Family and divorce mediation is where you and your partner will have meetings with a Mediator to discuss whatever aspects of your case you cannot agree on whether that is financial arrangements, care of the children or both.  The negotiations are Without Prejudice.  This allows you both to make proposals, discuss options and offer compromises without the fear that these suggestions will be repeated in Court, should you be unable to reach an agreement.  Having said that, when discussing matters concerning children, such negotiations are never Without Prejudice.

Mediation enables you to remain in control;  you cannot be forced to agree to anything, and you can call a halt to the process or the session whenever you wish.  The mediation sessions can be conducted via Zoom if that is easier for you, although we recommend you and your ex are not in the same home when attending the session.

If you reach an agreement with the other person, your mediator will explain how this agreement can be made legally binding. If mediation breaks down or you cannot come to a mutually agreeable resolution, the mediator will discuss with you the other options regarding a resolution such as Arbitration or court.

Separating couples should consider trying to agree on matters via mediation because of the many advantages of taking court action. In most cases you will, in any case, be expected to take initial steps to find out about mediation before you can start court proceedings – but you cannot be forced to go down this route. It’s important to bear in mind that even if you would prefer mediation, your ex may resist – in which case it is not an option (unless they change their mind).

What’s the benefit of family law mediation?

Mediation is all about maintaining communication and working to resolve issues directly with the help of a neutral, impartial mediator. The key benefits of family mediation include:

  • Divorce mediation is significantly cheaper than going to court
  • It is far quicker and less stressful than going to court
  • You maintain control, rather than relinquishing control to a family Judge who makes the final decisions.
  • Mediation takes place in a safe environment. This means you do not even have to be in the same room as the other party if you feel unsafe.
  • Mediation is a flexible process. Court proceedings are inflexible with strict rules as to the process and the deadlines.

What can I expect from a mediation session?

In our role as Family Mediators, we are neutral and we will not take sides. We are there to facilitate discussions.  Generally, Divorce Mediators cannot give advice to either of you. They will usually recommend that you obtain legal advice during the mediation process. However, as Resolution-trained lawyer mediators, we can provide general legal information to both of you within the mediation if this is appropriate.

When should family mediation be used?

Mediation should be considered as an option when the parties have a genuine desire to settle their dispute. It is also useful when parties are likely to remain in contact with each other after the dispute is resolved.

Who pays the mediation costs?

Usually, the two parties involved in the mediation process are responsible for sharing the costs, they would typically pay 50% each.

Why choose the family mediation solicitors at Osbornes Law?

Our mediators charges start from £380 (plus VAT) per hour.

What are Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs)?

It is compulsory for the majority of couples seeking a divorce or separation to attend a MIAM, the aim of which is to ascertain whether mediation is appropriate in your circumstances.

At a MIAM, Bridget, Lauren, or Lisa will speak to you about the process to ensure you understand how it works. They will then contact your partner and have the same conversation with them. Sometimes this is face to face and sometimes on the telephone. If your partner refuses to engage in the discussion or tells us they do not wish to mediate, we can then sign your Application to commence the court process.

For an individual, Bridget charges £250+ VAT, Lauren charges £250+ VAT and Lisa charges £350+ VAT for a MIAM.

What is remote family mediation?

Our team of mediators at Osbornes Law will use Zoom which will allow the mediator to bring people together in a virtual meeting room and/or speak to you individually in separate rooms. Only the participants in the mediation and those who have signed an agreement to mediate will be present.

Family & divorce mediation near me

Lisa Pepper, Bridget Thompson and Andrew Watson are members of the Family Mediation Council (FMC). The FMC is a not-for-profit organisation that maintains a professional register of family mediators. All FMC Registered Mediators are trained to the Council’s set standard and follow the FMC’s Code of Practice.

  • Lisa Pepper is an experienced, tried, tested and trusted mediator. She gets results and her success rate at achieving a settlement through mediation is unrivalled.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Clients attending mediation with Osbornes will be able to find someone who has the right knowledge and experience to unlock the most complex or contentious issues.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Their mediation team is particularly impressive, not least for the knowledge base of their solicitor mediators who are hugely well respected as both solicitors and mediators.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa Pepper is an exceptional mediator. Her mediation skills are outstanding and enable her to resolve even the most complex and confrontational cases.

    Legal 500 2025

  • A wealth of legal knowledge and specialism enhances the skills of Osbornes` mediators.

    Legal 500 2025

  • The mediation team at Osbornes provides excellent mediation services to its clients.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa Pepper is an outstanding mediator with a reputation for resolving even the most complex disputes.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa Pepper is a mediator with the instinct needed to help clients move forward. She has excellent client skills.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Bridget Thompson handles child inclusive mediations.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa Pepper offers remote mediation options alongside standard face-to-face meetings.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa pepper heads the Mediation team and she is often mediating for high-net-worth individuals in both financial and private children matters.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Exceptional mediator’ Lisa Pepper is at the top of her game.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Osbornes‘ family team is headed up by Mark Freedman, a mediator and fighter who will get the job done on both complex financial matters and international children cases.

    Legal 500 2025

  • Lisa Pepper, Bridget Thompson, Lauren Hall, Andrew Watson, David Leadercramer and Mark Freedman are Resolution trained lawyer mediators that can be found at Osbornes.

    Legal 500 2024

  • Equally good at children and finance, and litigation and mediation the stand out mediator is Lisa Pepper.

    Legal 500 2024

  • Just outside Central London a cracking and cost effective Family team.

    Legal 500 2024

  • David Leadercramer maintains a strong reputation as a highly effective mediator. He is also a seasoned litigator and arbitrator whose caseload covers FDR hearings and child arrangement issues. He has additional experience in nuptial agreements and fertility-related disputes.

    Chambers UK 2023

  • Lisa Pepper is particularly recognised for her role as a mediator in complex cross-border disputes. Her practice also includes handling prenuptial agreements and issues arising from divorces. She is additionally skilled in Schedule 1 and other child arrangement matters.

    Chambers UK 2023

  • "She's an extremely supportive and kind lawyer. She has an increasing mediation profile too. I can't think of anyone who would handle a mediation better than Lisa."

    Chambers UK 2023

  • "They are a cost-effective alternative to Central London firms."

    Legal 500 2023

  • "The team has a good range of personalities and approaches, meaning that they should be able to find the right lawyer for any particular client/couple."

    Legal 500 2023

  • "They are experienced and competent and have a long tradition and a good reputation. I only deal with them as a mediators."

    Leal 500 2023

  • "Osbornes ‘has a strong ethos for being conciliatory (rather than aggressive) with fair/ethical billing practices and strong ADR principles."

    Legal 500 2023

  • "Osbornes has a hugely experienced mediation team with Andrew Watson, Bridget Thompson and Lisa Pepper who are able to offer financial and children mediation for a range of cases including those that are highly complex involving challenging clients."

    Legal 500 2023

  • They have the experience, lawyers and mediators to be able to advise on a wide range of family matters at the highest level.

    Legal 500 2023

  • I can’t think of anyone who would handle a mediation better than Lisa.

    Chambers HNW 2022

  • She’s an extremely supportive and kind lawyer and has an increasing mediation profile too

    Chambers HNW 2022

  • The Osbornes mediation team is excellent and has some good individuals.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Osbornes has a strong mediation team led by Lisa Pepper. Lisa is a very experienced mediator who often places clients at ease and allows them to discuss very difficult topics. She is empathetic but knows when to be more directive if the clients require.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Lisa Pepper is one of our go-to mediators. She provides a practical service, supporting clients to conclusion.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Lisa Pepper’s mediation practice is absolutely brilliant. Real value delivered with expert knowledge. Lisa is a first rate mediator.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Lisa Pepper is one of my go to mediators. Her calm, collected attitude and friendly persona allow clients to trust her and open up to her. Excellent service and top level advice.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Lisa Pepper – very down to earth and approachable.

    Legal 500 2022

  • Lisa Pepper is a talented lawyer and we regularly refer to her for mediation

    Legal 500 2022

  • "Lisa Pepper is an outstanding mediator. She is very skilled and has an empathetic and professional approach which is comforting for clients. She never imposes her own view but is even handed and provides helpful guidance to clients so that they can make empowered decisions"

    Legal 500 2021

  • "Lisa Pepper has built up a very impressive mediation practice. She is very engaging and easy to relate to. She embodies mediation in the sense that she approaches her case in a very non-judgmental fashion and can quickly gain the confidence of those with whom she is mediating"

    Legal 500 2021

  • "Lisa Pepper is a brilliant mediator who produces results. She is effective at resolving matters without the need for the parties to engage in expensive and protracted litigation"

    Legal 500 2021

  • "Lisa Pepper is a fantastic mediator. She is fair, robust when she needs to be, and finds a way of facilitating agreements in the hardest of cases. Her guidance is spot on. She has an approachable and constructive mediation style"

    Legal 500 2021

  • Osbornes is known for combining strong legal expertise with a commitment to resolving family matters amicably. This instils a huge amount of trust in any lawyer referring their clients to this mediation team. The team is particularly good at dealing with financial matters.

    Legal 500

  • "Lisa can handle the large and complicated cases but takes equal care with the smaller cases. She is a highly skilled mediator who is a consummate professional."

    The Legal 500

  • Lisa Pepper is a skilled collaborative lawyer. Her instinct is always to resolve matters without compromising her clients’ interests.

    Legal 500

  • Highly regarded for his experience as a litigation and mediation expertise, Mark Freedman is tenacious and determined. Clients really feel that he is fighting their corner.

    Chambers UK

  • Lisa Pepper is a noted collaborative lawyer, and recently acted successfully on a client's leave to remove application to Australia.

    Legal 500

Family Mediation Accreditations

  • Resolution-mediator-logo
  • family mediation council logo
  • Legal 500 2025 - leading firm
  • Lisa Pepper - chambers hnw logo

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