A High Bar For Challenging Adoption Orders

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Challenging adoption orders
Adoption orders bring considerable implications for all the parties and judges do not make such orders lightly. For this reason, the courts are extremely hesitant to overturn adoption orders, as a recent case illustrates.
The specialist adoption solicitors at Osbornes Law are experienced in advising and representing birth parents, adoptive parents and prospective adopters, children and children’s guardians and local authorities.
Permanence of adoption orders
Adoption orders are intended to be permanent and lifelong for the children and the adopters. The legal consequences for all the parties concerned are far-reaching. It is only in very exceptional circumstances that he court will revoke an adoption order and normally where there has been a fundamental breach of natural justice.
The case of 1A v R Local Authority & Anor [2024] EWHC 3260 (Fam)
In the reported case of 1A v R Local Authority & Anor [2024] EWHC 3260 (Fam), an appeal judge rejected an application by the birth mother to set aside adoption orders made in respect of 12 and 6-year-old siblings.
The two children had been adopted 6 years prior to the November 2024 hearing. Sadly, the birth mother (A) had experienced the most traumatic events prior to the children being removed from her and then adopted, including that she had been a victim of human trafficking. The judge in the revocation proceedings found her to be intelligent and articulate in her submissions to the court.
A applied to have the adoption orders set aside.. Her claims included that the adoption orders had been made under duress and were in reality “social engineering”. She also claimed that the adoptions demonstrated a form of human trafficking by the local authorities and that she had not had a fair trial when the adoption orders were made by the court.
Finality of adoption litigation
However, the legal position on setting aside adoption orders is clear. The judge referred to the ‘finality’ of adoption litigation, as well as the “different standing” of an adoption order compared to other orders.
Applying that here, the judge emphasised that the children had ceased, some six years ago, to be A’s legal children and they were now the legal children of the adopters . To set aside the adoption order would therefore have a profound effect on the children and it could only happen in highly exceptional and “very particular” circumstances.
In practice, there would need to be a fundamental procedural irregularity and there was insufficient evidence of this. The birth mother’s application for revocation was refused.
The birth mother had also sought contact orders with the children. The court refused these because this would not be in the best interests of children (why?). Contact would be restricted to letter box contact (which was already in place).
This case demonstrates the permanence of lawfully made adoption orders. They are life changing orders for the children who for several years had regarded themselves as the lifelong children of their adoptive parents and hence there was a a high bar for a successful challenge to an adoption order.
How we can help
To speak to an adoption lawyer, Naomi Angell, or a member of her team please:
- Call us on 020 7485 8811, or
- Fill in the online form below.
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“Naomi is very knowledgeable on adoption and surrogacy. She is solution-focused and open to ideas.”
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The firm’s alternative parenting team is headed up by Naomi Angell, handling domestic and international adoption, surrogacy, and fertility issues.
Naomi Angell has considerable strength in adoption, surrogacy and fertility issues
Naomi Angell is a renowned practitioner in the market with a wealth of experience in family cases involving immigration issues. She has a depth of knowledge in surrogacy issues and is respected for her experience handling adoption matters.
"She is responsive and very knowledgeable – she knows everything on the family law side of adoption and is also very generous with her time."
"Naomi is second to none in her knowledge of adoption and her work in surrogacy is also a strength."
"She has an encyclopaedic knowledge and an in-depth understanding of this work. She's extremely empathetic and can put herself in the client's shoes. She's also very strategic and is good at pre-empting litigation."
"Their family department is very strong, from adoption to child abduction and matrimonial finance, this is a very strong team."
"Naomi Angell is a stand out individual who is well regarded as to the go-to lawyer in her field. What Naomi doesn’t know about adoption is not worth knowing."
"She is the queen of inter-country adoption. She is experienced in the field over a long period of time. She has wonderful client skills and is committed to getting proper outcomes."
"She is an adoption superstar. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of immigration law, and knows what's on the horizon due to her involvement in policy."
Naomi Angell – the doyenne of adoption and surrogacy family law, dedicated to her clients and hardworking.
The team has considerable strength in adoption, surrogacy and fertility matters through Naomi Angell.
"Highly recommended
Bridget and Amy-Jo were very supportive during what were very stressful proceedings. They were collaborative and I felt listened to and part of a team rather than just a client. We ended up being successful at the hearing.""She's extremely knowledgeable and highly professional."
"She is the guru when it comes to international adoption and she's an expert in her field."
Naomi Angell has a vast wealth of knowledge and experience.
"Naomi Angell is a highly esteemed practitioner who is highlighted as "a leader in the field" and "extremely knowledgeable" by interviewees. She is particularly recognised for her experience in complex adoption disputes."
Bridget Thompson is a public law specialist noted for her extensive practice in matters involving alternative families and adoption. An interviewee observes: "She's a fighter, she's clever, and she understands all aspects of a case."
"Naomi Angell is a leading name in international adoption."
"Recognised for its expertise in both domestic and international adoption, as well as assisted conception."
"Naomi Angell is a leading figure in domestic and inter-country adoptions, and also has expert knowledge of related fertility and surrogacy issues."
"Naomi Angell is phenomenal. She's done it for so long and knows so much that she's a fount of knowledge. If Naomi doesn't know something, it isn't worth knowing."
Naomi Angell is the doyenne of inter-country adoption and the font of all knowledge in this area.
Highly respected for her [Naomi Angell] focused on cross-border children work, including surrogacy matters.
Naomi Angell advises on international adoptions and complex surrogacy matters. She is commended for her broad, in-depth experience."
Naomi Angell is an expert in adoption issues.
Naomi Angell leads the market in cross-border children law matters. Sources confirm that she is "at the cutting edge of changing law and policy" when it comes to international adoption
Naomi Angell is described as hugely experienced, calm and a good listener.
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