Handwriting Expert Witness Concludes Will Forgery

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Successful contesting a will claim following testimony of handwriting expert
It’s not unheard of for an individual to forge someone’s will with the aim of securing an inheritance. In a recent case, the combination of contradictory evidence from a key individual involved in the forgery, and expert witness testimony, led to the rightful beneficiary succeeding in her claim in contesting a forged will.
The contentious probate solicitors at Osbornes Law have a successful track record in representing clients with speed and sensitivity at a time when they may still be grieving.
Forged will case study
This was a bitter family dispute following the death of a grandmother. The court had to decide which of two wills, purportedly made a month apart, was genuine.
The first will was drafted and witnessed in February 2018 by a firm of solicitors and appointed the deceased’s niece, Ann, as an executor. She was close to her aunt and was also named as the sole beneficiary of the whole estate. At the same time, Ann was appointed as the deceased’s attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney.
The second will was purportedly a homemade will drafted by one of the deceased’s sons, Paul, executed in March 2018. This left the estate to three grandchildren. When Ann discovered Paul had obtained Grant of Probate (on 9 January 2019) on the basis of the March ‘will’, she brought proceedings claiming it was a forgery.
- For more information on the rise of older and vulnerable people being pressured into changing their will, read our blog post: What is fraudulent calumny?
Evidence that deceased’s signature was forged
The court heard testimony from several witnesses, including expert witnesses concerning the deceased’s signature and a picture on Paul’s iPhone.
The niece and the defendants had their own handwriting experts, but their evidence was at odds. The niece’s expert, for example, found strong evidence that the deceased had not signed the March will herself. However, the defence expert said there was “moderate” evidence it was genuine. On considering their evidence, the court preferred that of the niece’s expert. On the basis of that and the wider factual background, the court found that, on balance, the March will was a forgery.
Importantly, a crucial element of Paul’s case was expert evidence relating to a digital photograph which he claimed was of the original executed March will taken on 7 March 2018. The expert was asked to examine it and extract the internal metadata.
It’s fair to say this backfired somewhat. Although the expert said the metadata showed the photograph was taken at 08.57 on 7 March 2018, he conceded that both the metadata and the GPS time stamp could be modified and manipulated – even by someone who could cheat at computer games. Paul’s own expert could not convince the court that the photo was taken when he claimed.
The court concluded that the forged will was concocted sometime between 11 December 2018 and before the grant of probate was obtained. This meant the March will would stand, and Ann would inherit her aunt’s estate as intended.
Defence undermined by handwriting expert
The evidence from Ann’s handwriting expert was a particularly strong reason for the court finding the will to be a forgery. That said, the expert evidence concerning the metadata was insufficient to cast doubt on Ann’s case and seriously undermined Paul’s defence.
The case illustrates the value of employing appropriate expert witnesses in probate disputes to ensure all bases are covered – one expert witness’s evidence can make or break a case.
- Also see: Is A Handwritten Will Legal?
How Osbornes Law can help
Katie de Swarte is an associate solicitor who specialises in contested claims. Katie can advise you on whether you can bring such a claim based on the facts of your circumstances and can assist in defending such a claim. Katie is featured in the Legal 500 as a recommended solicitor in London.
Please call 020 7485 8811 or complete an online enquiry form to speak with Katie.
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