Cyclist Hit by Van Driver Claims Compensation
Cyclist Injured in Van Collision Receives Settlement Phoebe Walliss, a solicitor at Osbornes Law, recently secured a settlement for a...
Read moreJaro joined Osbornes as in 2010. His personal injury caseload consists of workplace accidents, road traffic accidents as well as criminal injuries compensation claims. He also assists the department’s senior solicitors with complex high-value claims. His priorities are understanding the clients’ circumstances and instructions, making the law clear and keeping clients fully informed about their options. His focus is on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence throughout the life of the claim and maximising out-of-court settlement with minimum risk to the client.
Jaro speaks English, Slovak, Hungarian and Czech.
Clients can contact Jaro by phone on 0775 255 1479 or 0207 482 8433 or by email at
Advokát Jaro Bernat je k dispozícii na čislach 0775 255 1479 alebo 020 7482 8433.
Jaro žije v Anglicku od roku 2000 a v Osbornes Law pracuje od roku 2010. Právo vyštudoval v Londýne s ohodnotením výborný.
Zastupuje klientov, ktorí žiadajú odškodné po pracovnom úraze, dopravnej nehode a pochybení lekárov. Jeho prioritou je pochopiť inštrukcie klienta a dokonale sa oboznámiť s prípadom. Dbá o včasnú identifikáciu silných aj slabých stránok prípadu s cieľom dosiahnuť maximálne mimosúdne vyrovnanie pri súčasnom udržaní minimálneho rizika pre klienta. Okrem riešenia vlastných prípadov asistuje našemu právnickému tímu. Prispieva nielen svojou odbornosťou ale aj jazykovými schopnosťami. Umožnuje stovkám slovensky a česky hovoriacich klientov domáhať sa spravodlivosti. V minulosti pracoval aj na známom prípade slovenskej rodiny, ktorej anglická sociálna služba odňala deti. Je známy svojou ochotou a zanietenosťou.
Their team includes bright, hard-working solicitors dedicated to achieving successful outcomes for their clients from partner level to paralegal. Their client care is exceptional.
They are a team who are highly respected in the PI sector.
This is an excellent PI team doing a broad range of PI work.
Osbornes’ ‘highly respected‘ personal injury team is experienced in a range of complex, high-value claims, with notable strength in acting for European clients for whom English is not a first language.
Osbornes’ ‘highly respected‘ personal injury team is experienced in a range of complex, high-value claims
Osbornes’ ‘highly respected‘ personal injury team is experienced in a range of complex, high-value claims.
Pán Jaro Bernat ako zástupca Slovákov, v spoločnosti Osborne's Solicitors bol profesionál ale aj priateľ . Kedykoľvek vysvetlil všetok právny žargón a vďaka tomu bolo situácii oveľa ľahšie porozumieť. Najmä v ťažkej dobe Covid -19 bol Jaroslav viac ako poradcom. Strávil so mnou veľa hodín telefonickými konzultáciami nielen o mojom prípade. Rovnako dôležité je, že aj jeho kolegyňa, ktorá ma priamo zastupovala bola prístupná keď som potrebovala jej názor alebo radu. Po úspešnom ukončení môjho prípadu by som ju bez váhania odporučila každému, kto by potreboval pomoc v prípade úrazu V UK.
Advokát mal nápomocný, profesionálny prístup pri riešení prípadu. Odlišnosť riešenia v UK bola konzultovaná, vysvetlená. Prípad bol poriešený podľa očakávania. Ďakujem a doporučujem túto advokátsku kanceláriu.
V prvom rade by sme chceli podakovat Panovi Bernatovi ze to za nas dotiahol do finalneho konca. Velmi profesionalna a diskretna advokatska poradna odporucam vsetkym.
Thank you for the hard work and patience and for being so patient with my constant questions.
"I have found Osbornes to be thorough, clear and understanding from the initial call. They do exactly what they say they will and with passion! I would recommend them to anyone".
Very good efficient service. Would not hesitate to use again.
I will use Osbornes for any future needs.
I don't think I could have asked for anything more. One of the best dealings I've had with the legal profession.
Sam was excellent and very professional in dealing with our claim.
My claim was dealt with efficiently and professionally. Communication was excellent, and timely. Shrewd and sound advice was provided at every stage of the claim from beginning through to completion. On the basis of my personal experience I would strongly recommend Osbornes.
I just wish to thank you for your hard work and successful outcome. I am pleased with the result and would recommend you and your firm to anyone in the future.
Ben Posford ‘knows how to maximise the value of the claim for his clients’.
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