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Naša kancelária získala mimosúdne vyrovnanie vo výške viac ako 260 000 libier pre chodkyňu, ktorú zrazil na parkovisku cúvajúci vodič,
Klientka prechádzala cez cestu so svojou kamarátkou, keď žalovaný náhodne cúval a zrazil ju aj jej kamarátku. Kamarátka po nehode tragicky zahynula, zatiaľ čo klientka utrpela zranenia, ktoré jej zmenili život, vrátane poranenia hlavy, pretrvávajúcich poranení chrbtice a vážnych psychických zranení. Klientka nas oslovila rok po nehode, keď bolo jasné, že jej zranenia sú oveľa horšie, ako sa pôvodne predpokladalo. Zabezpečili sme súkromne financovanú liečbu, keďže žalovaná poisťovňa nebola ochotná hradiť rehabilitácie. Žalovaná poisťovňa predložila množstvo nízkych ponúk v snahe zastrašiť klientku, aby sa predčasne dohodla, avšak klientku sme presvedčili, aby pokračovala vo svojom nároku.
Dosiahnuté vyrovnanie umožnilo navrhovateľke vrátiť sa do práce na čiastočný úväzok. Na plný úväzok pracovať nedokáže kvoli stresu a únave spôsobenymi poškodením mozgu.
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- 23.9.2024
High Court Ruling: English Law in Multi-Vehicle Collision
High Court victory Siobhan McIvor, Partner in the Personal Injury Department, has succeeded in obtaining judgment for her seriously injured...
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£70,000 for Cyclist Injured by Van Collision on Roundabout
£70,000 Settlement for Cyclist Andrew Middlehurst, a lawyer specialising in cycling collisions at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a...
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Cycling Accident Claims: Client Stories
Below are details of various cases handled by Osbornes specialist cycle accident claims team including the payouts clients have received...
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Claim By Cyclist Hit By Car at Junction
Payout for Cyclist Who Was Knocked Off Her Bicycle Cycling accident lawyer, Phoebe Walliss recently settled a claim for a...
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£75k Payout For a Cyclist Knocked Over By...
Claim settled for a cyclist who was struck by a car Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a cyclist...
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230k Payout For London Cyclist Struck By a...
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Cyclist Struck By a Car From Behind
Cyclist struck by a car obtains a £40k payout Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a cyclist who was...
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Settlement After Fatal Accident At a Roundabout
Fatal claim settled for a cyclist struck by a truck Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a cyclist who...
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Claim Settled For a Cyclist Struck By a...
Cyclist obtains a settlement after being struck by a car Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a cyclist who...
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5 Figure Settlement For a Cyclist Struck By a...
Settlement for a cyclist hit by a car while crossing junction Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a cyclist...
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£60k Payout For a Cyclist Struck By a...
Claim settled for a cyclist hit by a bus at a junction Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a...
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Psychological Injury Case Settled
Settlement for secondary psychological injury Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a client who witnessed a horrific accident his...
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Head Injury Following Slip at Work
Client who slipped at work obtains a good settlement Laura Swaine recently settled a work accident claim for a client...
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Six-Figure Settlement for Head Injury at Work
Settlement for a client injured at work Laura Swaine recently settled a claim for a client who was injured while...
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£60k for Pedestrian Knocked Over By a Car
£60,000 payout for pedestrian accident claim Laura Swaine recently settled a pedestrian who was knocked over by a car who turned...
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£40,000 Payout in Motorcycle Accident Case
Megan Lambert, a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a motorcyclist whose lower left leg...
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£30k Payout for Roundabout Cycling Accident
Settlement of £30,000 for cycling accident on a roundabout Nicola Hall, a specialist bicycle accident lawyer, recently represented a cyclist who...
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£75k Payout for Cyclist Hit by a Car
Settlement of £75,000 for cyclist Nicola Hall, a specialist bicycle accident lawyer, obtained a settlement of £75,000 for a cyclist who was...
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£70k Payout for Cyclist After Crossroads Collision
Andrew Middlehurst, a specialist cycling accident solicitor at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a cyclist in the region...
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Cyclist Hit by Ferrari Claims £90k Compensation
Andrew Middlehurst, a lawyer in the specialist bicycle accident lawyer at Osbornes Law, recently settled a claim for a cyclist...
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Strawberry Picker Receives £10,500 After Accident at Work
Incident in the Strawberry Field Our client was at work, walking in the field and carrying cages with strawberries, when...
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Accident at Work Compensation Examples
Factory Worker Receives £14,000 for Hot Water Burns Our client was working in a food producing factory. He was injured when...
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Pedestrian hit by a car claims substantial compensation
Understanding Your Rights as a Pedestrian If you are a pedestrian and were knocked over by a vehicle when crossing...
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5-figure Payout for Death of Hungarian Lorry Driver
Hungarian lorry driver tragically dies Siobhan McIvor, a Partner and Personal Injury lawyer, has successfully settled a fatal accident compensation...
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